Monday, December 18, 2017


its been years...

but yet im here, im trying to still abide by my own title...


for the most part this blog will be to 'pen' my prayers...

mondays are for family...

tuesdays are for finances...

wednesdays are for the future...

thursdays are for health...

fridays are for vision of choices and decisions...

so lets us begin on this monday...

Lord, my mind is focused on family...

Leah, Audreylynn, Cannon, Elise...

Josh, Tracy, Wyatt, Avery, Wilson, Graham...

Mom and Dad...

Lord protect each of them, show them health...
love them in a unique and clear way, they can feel and understand its you...

leah, love her, protect her, give her strength, wisdom, and passionate love for directing and teaching our children...

audreylynn, my first born, love her, give her continual health, let her boldness and leadership ability move her to amazing places in her life, let her passion for babies, produce a beautiful loving spirit to teach/lead/mother, let her mind be controlled and convinced by the Holy Spirit, to make decisions pleasing to the Lord...

cannon, my first born, love him, and relieve him from his dry skin/eczema, let his love of adventure, design, ability to have fun; produce a strong, bold and engineered mind to do amazing things. Lord my mind is triggered by certain things, to make me worry, i know he looks to his twin as a leader and has multiple groups of girl friends, Lord i pray that this is a stage of curiosity and adventure. Lord allow my son to be the boy and man you designed him. Let him love you first and foremost. Let him be a Biblical man form inside and out...

elise, my last born, love her, show her your glory. she is so a vibrant girl, with a personality unmatched. let your love engulf her. let her continue to grow and learn life...

let our little family grow and form a unique unbreakable bond over the coming days, months, years, until you call us all home...

let my leadership to my wife and my kids be something they can look to in all aspects of life as a point of comfort and knowledge...

let my love be so infections and pure, they never have a doubt or question of what my desire and purpose in life is, to love them, guide them, and pursue them in being the best person they can be...

Lord, all you are is nothing short of incredible. i often look in a different direction due to my own thoughts and "i can do it" attitude. let my heart, my mind, and my soul look to you in all i do, in all things, and at all times...

thank you Lord for your love and passion for my life. let me take that and show that to my family...

this relationship is going to be radical...

its a journey worth taking, no questions, no gimmicks, no doubts, just "RAD"

its over, now what!

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