Thursday, February 10, 2011

a thousand words

"a post meant to be posted much earlier"

a picture is worth a thousand words, a simple phrase that has great meaning...

confucius, ivan turgenev, napoleon bonaparte, a few greats that once voiced this phrase...

pictures of scenery, animals, people...

living in montana the past 9months, no words can correctly capture the vast beauty of the land that i am surrounded by, it is beyond the reach of your imagination less you visit...

i sat with my parents one afternoon sharing photos, telling stories, trying to form a focused imagery outside the photo of topic to help them understand as best as possible the vastness of the state...

we began to flip through some of the photos and we came across a picture of a buffalo, "SERIOUSLY" my mom squealed in my ear, simply stated, serious, i was inches from a buffalo a creature of mass, a beautiful site at least...

then began to show pictures of my friends and share stories of what we would do till wee hours of the morning...

this can include but not limited to, hucking ourselves off the roof with are planks strapped to our feet landing in a manmade landing zone of the beauty we call snow...

running through the house with sweet moves, flips, and flying through hoops landing on non other the purple lovesac (look them up, they are amazing...

let us not forget, dry ice bombs...

there are many options, many outcomes, and much comradery amongst the 7 of us that live there, as well as the many other souls that consider it a 2nd home...

a house, a home, a community, a life...

a collection of many different cultures, brought together under one idea...

this idea built around one group...

young life...

this idea...

this movement...


we need him, we want him, we desire him...

without him we have nothing...

with him we have it all...

nothing that we lack in this life...

we need nothing...


its a journey worth taking, no questions, no gimmicks, no doubts, just "RAD"

its over, now what!