Friday, July 25, 2008

this thing called prayer...

i realize its been two months since allowing myself to take a few minutes to let my fingers strategically fall in the right place at the right time to form these things called words in a way that makes a sentance in order that my thoughts can be publicised...

on with it i say...

20 years have gone by that i have labled my self a christian, believer, follower of Christ...

as you may well know some of the most talked about topics in the "christian" realm are that of, daily scripture reading, praying, turning from your old ways and becoming a new...

these all seem accomplishable and are very much that...

one thing i have struggled with is what really is prayer?...

is it just talking to God, asking Him for something, thanking, praising...

this past week i heard someone say that prayer doesn't have to be nor should be a monologue but rather a dialogue...

something so simple, yet so very difficult...

we(I) are so caught up in our daily lives, being here on time, turning on the tv at a certain time to watch a show...

why is it that we can't STOP...

not that we shouldn't as scriptures state, pray without ceasing, but when is the last time we actually stopped and truly dialogued with the Creator of our lives, the one that died for us, the one that is...

1 kings 19, tells what i believe is one of the most important lessons we as christians can learn...

the Lord says to Elijah go, stand on the mountain in my presence, cause I AM about to pass by...

a tornado came, the Lord wasn't there...

earthquake came, the Lord again not there...

a massive fire came, again the Lord was not there...

then out of nowhere, there was nothing, no storm, no anything, only the sound of a gentle whisper...

which in hebrew is translated litterally to be ''the sound of sheer silence''...

there the Lord was and spoke with him...

i want to clearly state the Lord still communicates with us in our busyness...

you can agree that it is amazing to hear the Lord amoungst the craziness of our lives, can you imagine what would happen if we took the time to STOP...

what then would He tell you!?! how much would He tell you!?!...

He wants to have a conversation with us, but we are often to wrapped up in our world to take time to just be His child, let him teach us with out interuption, with out distractions, with out...

He wants to be our dad which is simply focused quality time...

just Him and you...

do we realized how powerful a statement that is...

the Creator of the universe wants us to STOP and listen and spill and love and worship and be with Him and nothing no one else...

STOP and listen, silence is golden...

we are our a journey to grow...

its a journey worth taking, no questions, no gimmicks, no doubts, just "RAD"

its over, now what!


Jessica said...

Good thoughts! Same mindset I've been in lately!

Anonymous said...
